The reader will find below the very kind words of several. Our founder is always ever so humbled to be the recipient of such praise, and always honored. We have altered specific information including confidential matters related to our specific services and solutions to achieve results.
We thank all for their words, and will always welcome new additions. Even the bad ones.
“What do you expect, it’s fricken (founders name omitted.)!!! On a single bright spring day, 20 years ago, he forgot more than most know”
J.R, Michigan , a commercial cultivation facility operator.
Well, this explains everything!! Definitely the Phil Jackson-Zenmaster of the industry. This is not a man, he's a GOD!!!
M.B, California and Oregon , Large scale commercial cultivator, referring to learning our founder being from Chicago .
You don't "talk" to (founders name omitted), you always “consult” with him. This is a man who wakes up to sometimes hundreds of “fan mails”, and with such unrelenting praise, how he always remains so humble and gracious and still seeks knowledge of everything under the sun 365/24/7 is beyond me.
C.J, Colorado and California . Commercial cultivation facility owner-operator, Dispensary owner.
I owe everything and everything I am is due to (founders name omitted). I don't even think it's possible to sit silent in his presence and not come away changed forever. My op's, my health, my relationships, my business's all would have never been possible without that man!!! Thanks (founders name omitted)
G.T, New Mexico , Michigan Cultivation, Dispensary, Industry products.
The ZenMaster's in the HOUSE!!!!
L.W- Michigan, Cultivation and Dispensary
Word to the wise-Do not sit down with (founders name omitted) assuming you know what he is going to ask, to say, and why. You must open and clear your mind to fully embrace the experience, and the journey of where you will be taken-where he will try to take you (OMG! I am even starting to sound like him! HAHA.) He doesn't tell you, he guides you. He makes you aware of what, somewhere inside you, you already knew before, and how to do it, today! You notice after a while you start to think like he does!!
H.L, Canada, formerly California , Large scale commercial cultivator
I LOVE HIM!!!. My team hates him. But I love him : ) lol. Yes, they hate him, but only because with all their knowledge and experience, he makes them feel SOOO inadequate and sometimes just plain stupid. They may hate him but they respect him and they eventually understand why he does things the way he does, and says the things he does, and in the end they realize they are that much better than before, and thankful. Sorry (Founders name omitted).
K.J, Colorado , Cultivation/Dispensary/Industry Marketing.
One of the most all around knowledgeable I’ve ever come across in the industry in my entire life. He’s been around from day 1, and seen everything since. Very few can claim not only witnessing 30 years of evolution in this industry but participating and understanding everything, every step of the way. He doesn’t consider himself a “genius”, just observant, but we sure do!!! 10 years ago he was laying out exactly what is happening now to the T!!!
S.A, California and Washington-Design, Industry equipment
A true master and commander! People don't understand how much he has contributed to people in this industry. He's created industry words and methods and changed peoples lives forever!
H.J, California and Arizona , Large scale commercial cultivator
For years we worked on our products. We talked to everyone we could. We consulted with all we could. (Founders name omitted) comes in the picture and 30 minutes later our jaws were on the floor!! 30 minutes and a 1000% increase in sales this year and national distribution mapped out and ready to execute! F____ing amazing!!
T.L, Oregon , Industry Products
I don't know how he does it!!! He see's what others don't see, he knows what others don't. He even knows everything about everything that he doesn't know!!! HA!!! : ) A Business-Operational-Organizational Zenmaster he IS!!
K.G, California , Cultivation, Industry products
It is impossible to have this man in your life and not be profoundly changed forever. You'll never be the same again.
F.R, Washington , Industry professional
“WOW! Truly living and breathing all of this”
P.V, Nationwide commercial facility build outs, cultivation an dispensary